Classically Trained, for the Revolution

Saturday, August 07, 2010

Updated Position (sans hedge while off to the wild)

I will be remote this next week, updating trades and/or hedges via Twitter, but with no activity expected here. I won't comment on the market because that coffee has a way of chilling quickly once several trading sessions pile-up.

Total Position
: Currently 100% net-long, 52% invested

Currently Long (according to size): CRM(7.5%); EWS-Singapore (7.4%); EWZ-Brazil (5.9%); CXO (5.3%); OVTI (5.1%); TJX (5%); CYT (4.7%); VMW (4.1%); ISLN (4%);
IGTE (3.4%)

Currently Short: no current position

Futures: no current position

Follow Centrifugal to fade trades in real time.

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