Classically Trained, for the Revolution

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Chance Enhancing

I'm floating on jetsam crates, nibbling on pelican and manatee strips while listening to some politician chortle unspeakable hormone horrors over my solar AM radio.

I'm also nibbling a bit on stocks, a little earlier than expected, but nothing so dramatic as to force me back to shore.

I added back my other half of MR (Ave. 39.82); this was just too good an entry and I figure I can just feed it right back to the crows if it doesn't turn up from here (so far so good). I'm pretty up-beat about this name getting ready for a real breakout up above.

I also re-entered first tranches of JASO (ave. 61.21) and ONXX (ave. 54.70).

That gives me 3 positions, only one of which is slightly heavy.

Mostly, I'm nibbling early because the selling has gotten seriously boring (already). Given they cannot really sell leadership down all that much and the overall selling is under-dramatic, I know if I was short here I would cover - so I may as well scale-in buying now since I am still bullish.

I've got plenty of other names in my sites, but I'm off steroids for most of this week at least. I'll spit fire and long-names (here) as I ingest them. Human growth is sold at a premium where I roll - especially in quantities required for fat old players like me. Just to hear this ballyhoo stemming from horses asses trying to get our grandmother's attention makes me sick. These guys have nothing better to do with our taxes than vilify freak athlete's who want an edge?

I suppose under-performing nits everywhere can breathe a haughty sigh of superiority relief. Their slow asses just narrowed the gap by a full nano-tick.

Yes, I'm a hateful shame of a person (except when I'm short stocks - then I'm a perfect gentleman) and I hate when politician's meddle with greatness. Anyway, no more politics - it's back to hunting salt cod and cuddle shark for me. The secular human growth trend may be waffling, but so far it continues...still

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