Classically Trained, for the Revolution

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Quick Note

Negative DNA news intraday knocked down the ONXX position, but ONXX remained higher throughout the day,on low volume, and I continue to hold a full position for now. Earlier I said ONXX doesn't care about financial insurer MBI's knock-down, but the DNA news (whereby FDA has turned down DNA's big breast cancer drug) impacted things, obv. This should be a gift for an ONXX entry, my opinion - look at the difference in those charts.

On the same theme, GENZ is actually rising now. I bot a small position (73.24) there as that name made a new high on the day; Genzyme is seriously fading the woes in DNA; which is still halted at this writing.

Busy, good day here - good trading

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